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travel, eats, and life

Presto Pesto!
I'd consider myself a moderate pesto fan. I love it on a veggie pizza, or mixed into a good salad, and I'll occasionally order it with a...

More beach fun in Nha Trang
We have our old college friends visiting us here in Vietnam for the second time since we moved abroad. Since they have already seen a lot...

Peace, Love & Apples
Our hip (read: alternative) neighborhood events venue, Saigon Outcast had a beer fest with plenty of locally handcrafted brewers sharing...

Road trip!
A long holiday weekend in April took us on our first road trip approximately 170 kilometers from HCMC to the Phan Thiết coastal region in...

A cooking class with Cyclo Resto
I did my first Vietnamese cooking class! It started off with a 30-minute cyclo {essentially a three-wheeled bicycle taxi} ride through...
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