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travel, eats, and life

Presto Pesto!
I'd consider myself a moderate pesto fan. I love it on a veggie pizza, or mixed into a good salad, and I'll occasionally order it with a...

Homemade Healthy Granola
I hail from the earthy, crunchy, granola-eating part of Oregon. I'm a proud granola connoisseur - whether for snacking by the handful,...

Drink up!
A Vietnamese friend of ours was visiting his family in Dalat and brought us back a bounty of fresh vegetables this weekend, so I made...

Favorite fruits of SE Asia
One of the things I will definitely miss when we leave SE Asia is the fresh tropical fruit and its accompanying cheap price tag! These...

Our first race abroad! Set in Saigon's District 7 (Phú Mỹ Hưng), we finished our first family race in Vietnam. #Vietnam #expatlife...
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